
Text Question Type

Capture answers to open ended text questions in mobile surveys to gain in-depth insight on a topic or simply use it to collect text notes within a form.

iOS & Android App

Using the iSURVEY app, it’s easy to collect text even when your iOS or Android device is offline.  

The text question type will automatically expand to multiple lines for long text answers that can be up to 1000 characters.  

Use open ended survey questions for collecting qualitative data that does not force the respondent to select from a pre-defined list of options.  The iSURVEY app offers researchers a reliable qualitative data collection method that has been proven in the field.

Preliminary Research

In the early stages of your mobile research project you may not have a complete understanding of the issues faced by your survey participants. Exploratory open text questions can be used in preliminary qualitative research with a small sample size to expand your understanding. The information gathered from qualitative data collection can be used to refine your next survey design. 

Well designed open ended qualitative text questions will give you more precise details that include high quality information. They are ideal for gaining insights from topic experts that are free to share knowledge without being limited by a quantitative survey design. 

For example, "How do you think your suburb can be improved?"

Ask for Comments

Include an open ended survey question that asks for comments to discover new issues or interesting answers that you wouldn't identify by using only quantitative questions that limit responses.  

For example, "Are there any other thoughts or comments you would like to make about your experience today?"

Open Ended Survey Question Analysis

When considering the usage of open ended survey questions you should be prepared for the large amount of text that can be generated. For very large data collection projects, the text can be overwhelming to digest and analyse. Answers to open ended survey questions cannot be used to calculate a statistical significance because each text response is unique.  

Mobile Forms

The text question type is ideal for mobile forms that replace old clipboard inspection forms. For example "Briefly explain the circumstances under which the insurance loss took place."