26 April 2011

iSURVEY Version 2.5.0 Released


You can now set up your survey with a date/time picker. You can optionally allow (or force) the selection of a date/time. The date/time question type can also be set up with a default value. 


This new question type allows many single select style questions to be presented on an iPad screen in a matrix layout. You can configure how many variables you want on the top of the grid, and also how many questions you want to display. Grid question types are only supported on the iPad. 

Grid Scale: 

This new question type allows many slider style questions to be presented on an iPad screen in a matrix layout. Just like the grid question type, you can configure how many variables you want on the top of the grid, and also how many questions you want to display. Grid Scale question types are only supported on the iPad. 


Users can now download their survey results in the native SPSS format.  This feature is currently in beta. 

Automatic Uploading of Survey Results:

By default, you upload the results stored on your device to your iSURVEY Web site account by selecting the Upload button on the device Admin screen. In this configuration you choose when and where you want to upload your survey results and your device can be offline while conducting surveys. 

Using the new Automatic Uploading feature, the iSURVEY app automatically uploads your survey results. This means that while the app is running, your survey results will be uploaded to the iSURVEY servers in the background. 

This new feature is perfect if you require real time results and your device has a WIFI or 3G connection. This feature can be enabled/disabled on any survey within the options tab of the survey. 

Question Linking:

The iSURVEY iPad App now supports the display of multiple questions on one screen. To take full advantage of the large, high definition iPad screen, simply link or unlink questions when setting up your survey. Linking of questions is only available on the iPad. 

Device Preview:

The device preview now includes an iPad preview.

You can switch between iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch preview to see how your survey will look on each device. 

Hot Answers:

Optionally enable Hot Answers to detect when a user answers a question in your survey that matches your Hot Answer criteria. 

If an uploaded result matches your Hot Answer, the results are emailed to an email address. 

Hot Answers can be enabled/disabled on any survey within the options tab of the survey. You can configure the email address you want to send the notification to. 


Our website FAQ section has been updated to incorporate all our new iSURVEY app and website features. The FAQ is divided into sections to make it easier for you to find the right answer to your question. 

App Start Up:

The App start up time has been significantly improved. 


The iSURVEY App now includes multilingual support. The new language setting configures the language displayed in the survey on your device. iSURVEY currently supports Spanish, Danish and German. Contact iSURVEY for additional languages.  Multilingual support can be enabled/disabled on any survey within the options tab of the survey. 

Enjoy the new features and please don’t hesitate to give us feedback. 

01 July 2013

iSURVEY Version 2.10.6 Released

Web site Update  The website has been updated to provide Enterprise level management for users with a large number of devices. New device management features include grouping and filtering. It’s now quicker and easier to...

27 October 2012

iSURVEY Version 2.10.0 Released

Customize Font Size and Color  You can change the size and color of the questions and answer text.  Radio Buttons and Checkbox Color Themes  You can change the colour of radio buttons and check boxes...

18 June 2012

iSURVEY Version 2.8.0 Released

New Photo Capture Question  You can now answer a question by taking a photograph.  Grid and Grid Scale Questions  Matrix questions can now be linked to other questions (iPad only).  Language...

18 February 2012

iSURVEY Version 2.7.0 Released

New Signature Question  Do you need confirmation that someone has answered the survey or they have agreed to your terms or conditions? Now you can capture their signature using the iSURVEY Signature question...

25 July 2011

iSURVEY Version 2.6.0 Released

Multiple Surveys on a Single Device  Version 2.6.0 of iSURVEY supports multiple surveys on a single iPhone or iPad device.  Assign one or more surveys to your device within the iSURVEY Web site.  It is now...

04 October 2010

iSURVEY Version 2.3.0 Released

There’s a new (and very cool) Likert scale slider. You can now define scale intervals and give each interval a label. The labels appear in a bubble above the slider as it is moved to each interval divider. If you like the old...